1. General description Description: Burdur Beige marble is a beige marble, with medium grain and relatively uniform stone background color. However, some dark or light minerals appear on the stone surface. The classification of this stream will also depend on the uniformity of the color of the background and the number of dark or light minerals on the stone's surface. the top of the burdur beige has very few fringes as well as dark, bright minerals, while the lower layer will have many veins, the color will change and unevenly. Burdur beige Product code: EBE11007 Category: cream-colored marble (beige) Origin: Turkey Burdur beige Marble is a beautiful and famous marble line of Turkey with uniform cream color, gentle, elegant, suitable for many interior items. This is also a line that can replace the famous Crema Marfil stone
2.Application This type of surface finish creates a softer, more rugged texture of the stone, which also makes the cream's color lighter and more uniform in appearance. With beautiful, elegant and uniform colors, it is applied a lot in buildings from residential to commercial projects, especially those requiring large amounts of stone and homogeneity. high in color. The most common application of this stone is for flooring and wall tiles, in addition to them used for bathrooms, stairs and other interior items. Burdur Beige stone in particular and marble stone lines are recommended not to use for kitchens and exterior because their properties are not suitable for these items: soft, easily damaged under the impact of acidic solutions, ....
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