Stone patterned KLP4
SKU: 0172KLP2020
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<p>Stone patterned KLP4</p>
<p>Today, the use of marble in interior decoration is quite familiar to many homeowners, you can use this material to tangent for many different items and all bring great benefits. Granite is not only durable, bringing luxurious beauty, but also impressed by the unique color, stone pattern and pattern. Granite products are formed from nature, but depending on the type, time and human influence that will create the special beauty of marble pattern. Let's refer to some of the origins that form the pattern of later granite! + High-class marble pattern from nature Natural marble is formed by the calcification of environmental factors such as temperature, rain, wind, storm, sand, ... From there, the colors, stone pattern, patterns on the marble are formed. naturally without human interaction. Therefore, the natural stone products always bring a very unique beauty, natural and unique.</p>